Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Daffodil Delight

A friend approached me a month ago or so and asked me if I would consider painting daffodils. They are her mother's favorite and she was considering giving her mother a daffodil painting for her birthday in May. I'm glad that she gave me plenty of time to perfect them because, honestly, they are a little more challenging than what I expected. However, the challenge certainly makes it more fun and I've really enjoyed what little I've done so far - I feel like I've accomplished a much better understanding already! 

Below are the paintings I've done... the first weren't so great but I'm pretty excited about the last two. I think I'm finally understanding the best way to paint them to make the textures come across. Another thing, I tried knife painting one and failed miserable. The knife paintings of daffodils that I've seen online are very impressionistic to a degree that I'm not terribly comfortable with. I'm becoming more reacquainted with brushes by practicing these daffodils and I must say that it as been a fun experience so far! 

Hopefully, I'll have more delightful daffodils to post soon!

First two sad attempts. The problem came with blending... it is difficult to work with the blue sky background underneath the flowers.

Finally, something that looked like a daffodil!

The blue background wasn't the best idea I ever had but I do like this color and the flowers turned out pretty good again!

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