Sunday, January 27, 2013

Cork Project!

Long story short (skipping the part where they add up....) I always feel like I should save my corks for... something. But what? Finally, I saw how someone online had glued them to a yard stick and used them as a narrow recipe and picture "cork board" near their stove. I didn't want to use a yard stick as it seems too long for that but found the wood section at Michael's to be better than I thought it would be! 

So here is what I did:

I used a piece of wood that measures about 1/4 inch thick and maybe 1 inch wide and two feet long. I think it was initially intended as a yard ornament holder... thingy. 

I gathered other things I would need - black paint, a sponge brush, the corks, and hot glue gun. 

First, I sat out to paint it black with just acrylic craft paint. Nothing special - just the cheap stuff. I let it dry for the night.

Then I used a hot glue gun to glue them down, one by one. 

Once they were all glued down, I gave them a few minutes to dry before testing a few to make sure they wouldn't fall off. They all passed my toughness test. 

Then, it was ready to hang! I thought about using it for recipes but then decided that I had a wall that could use some help instead. 

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