Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Learning Some New Tricks

I'm a YouTube painter. I follow along with artists as they have lessons. I've talked about the main person that I consider to be my "Cyber Mentor," if you will - Wilson Bickford. Well, Wilson has a lesson on knife painting. I had watched it a couple times before I decided to tackle it. I was a little hesitant at first - the painting was of a winter scene and, honestly, I'm not the biggest fan of winter or snow. I much prefer Fall. 

Mostly what convinced me was the beauty of other knife paintings that I see. Seriously, you should Google "Oil Paintings Palette Knife" or something like that and you will see images of these beautiful bright paintings by artists like Leonid Afremov (who also paints on YouTube though I don't think he does lessons). I was blown away. I wanted to be a part of it... or at least try and fail miserably and know I was meant for other techniques with oil painting. 

So here is my finished painting when I did the lesson with Wilson:

If you are thinking "not too shabby!" that's what I thought too... really the same rules apply for knife painting as does for painting with brushes but it just doesn't have to be as perfect. The strokes do matter more because they are what gives the true impression if you are painting something specific but they are bigger and deeper and you use a ton of paint so there is some awesome texture involved too. I think it just makes it so much more interesting to look at! 

So last night, I figured I would practice some knife moves on my own after browsing some pictures online that others had done. I decided to tackle a sunflower-like flower and just tried painting them on a piece of canvas board, expecting them to look terrible the first couple times. However, I liked the flowers that I did so much that I actually ended up just painting the rest of the canvas to make it a true painting. Here it is:

And here is a close up of that awesome flower:

So I was pretty impressed with myself, to say the least, and I am excited to practice more tonight! 

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