Sunday, October 21, 2012

Yarn + Old Glass Bottles

I really do not like throwing away empty glass bottles. I feel like there should be so many fun things out there that you can do with them. Recently, my collection of wine bottles started getting a little out of control so I started some hard core pinteresting and found something that seemed simple and fun... actually I found several different projects that look fun and I pinned them ( 

Here is the project I did using clean empty glass bottles, some cheap yarn and a hot glue gun. 

I used a beer bottle, a wine bottle and a rum bottle, all different sizes.

Just the typical hot glue gun. 

I found that it was easier starting at the top and working my way down.

It doesn't have to be perfect because you can fill in those holes later.

Use extra hot glue at the bottom to make sure the yarn doesn't start to unwind. Then just start going back up the bottle to fill in the gaps.

For this bottle, I added some black. 
Also, wine helps the creative juices flow.

Here are the finished products. Different sizes, different looks. I might accent the solid bottles with the other color of yarn just because I really like how the little bottle looked. Otherwise, I think they look great!

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